striolata Fallén,
1824. Monogr. Musc. Sveciae 7: 71
Aricia discreta Meigen, 1826. Syst. Beschr. 5:
Aricia trapezoides Zetterstedt, 1845. Dipt. Scand.
4: 1554.
Aricia arrogans Zetterstedt, 1845. Dipt. Scand.
4: 1567
Aricia auctinervis Zetterstedt, 1860. Dipt. Scand.
14: 6240
Aricia sulcella Zetterstedt, 1860. Dipt. Scand.
14: 6259
Chortophila sexdentata Bigot, 1885. Annls Soc. ent.
Fr. (6) 4: 227
Anthomyia (Chortophila) insperata Pandelle, 1900.
Revue Ent. 19 (Suppl.): 260
Pegomyia (Anthomyia) fugitiva Schnabl, 1911. Nova Acta
Acad. Caesar. Leop. Carol. 95(2): 268, as var. of
discreta Meigen, 1826
Pegomyia (Anthomyia) arctica Schnabl, 1915. Mem. Acad.
Sci. St.-Petersb. Cl. phys. mat. (8)28(7): 20
Chortophila bompadrei Bezzi, 1918. Mem. Soc. ital.
Sci. nat. 9: 113
Chortophila villeneuvei Seguy, 1923. Fauna
de France 6: 135
Hylemyia quadriseta Ringdahl, 1926. Ent. Tidskr.
47: 115
Hylemyia angustifrons Ringdahl, 1930. Ark. Zool.
21A(20): 11.
Botanophila striolata Fallén,
Larva: The larvae of flies are leg-less maggots without a head capsule (see examples). They never have thoracic or abdominal legs. They do not have chewing mouthparts, although they do have a characteristic cephalo-pharyngeal skeleton (see examples), usually visible internally through the body wall.
Pupaprium: The puparia of flies are formed within the hardened last larval skin or puparium and as a result sheaths enclosing head appendages, wings and legs are not visible externally (see examples).
Hennig (1966-73) records Botanophila
striolata mining leaves of Ranunculus,
but the record is doubtful (Mike Ackland, pers. comm.).
Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland: Currently unknown.
elsewhere: Currently unknown.
of year - larvae: Currently unknown.
of year - adults: Currently unknown.
in Great Britain and Ireland: Widespread in Britain including
Anglesey, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Caernarvonshire, Cambridgeshire, Cardiganshire,
Cumberland, Denbighshire, Dorset, Dumfriesshire, East Cornwall, East Gloucestershire, East Ross, East Suffolk, Easterness, Elgin, Fife,
Forfar, Glamorgan, Huntingdonshire, Isle of Wight, Merionethshire, Monmouthshire, Montgomeryshire,
North Devon, North Ebudes, North Hampshire, North Somerset, North Wiltshire, North-east Yorkshire, North-west Yorkshire, Oxfordshire, Pembrokeshire, Shropshire,
South Devon, South Lancashire, South Wiltshire, South-west Yorkshire, West Cornwall, West Gloucestershire, West Kent, West Roass, West Suffolk, West Sussex, Westmorland and Wigtownshire (NBN
Atlas). Distribution
elsewhere: Widespread in continental Europe including Austria,
? Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Faroe Is., Finland, French mainland,
Germany, Hungary, Italian mainland, Norwegian mainland, Poland,
Russia - Central, ? Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spanish mainland,
Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sweden and Switzerland (Michelsen in Fauna Europaea).
NBN Atlas links to known host species:
British and Irish Parasitoids in Britain and elsewhere: Currently unknown.