1b > Leaf-miner: A short, irregular, linear upper surface mine on any part of the
leaf. Also recorded from young pods (Bland, 1997a).
corridor mine. As a rule the first part of the mine is lower-surface,
the later part upper-surface. Often the loops are so dense that
a secondary blotch is the result. Because upper- and lower-surface
corridor segments often cross, the mine obtains a strange array
of transparant patches. There is no association with the midrib.
Frass in strings and thread fragments. Pupation outside the mine;
exit slit in upper epidermis.
Mine not associated with the veins or midrib of the leaf (It is this character which enables distinction from another Agromyzid pest species - Liriomyza huidobriensis). The larvae may leave one leaf (if not large enough) and enter another leaf, via the petiole). It exits the leaf to pupate through a semi-circular slit in the upper surface of the leaf.