(Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera)
Brian Pitkin, Willem Ellis, Colin Plant and Rob Edmunds
PHLOMIS. Sages. [Lamiaceae]
species of Phlomis are recorded in Britain.
Two British miners rae recorded on Phlomis.
A key to the European miners recorded on Phlomis is provided in Bladmineerders van Europa.
Key for the identification of the known mines of British
insects (Diptera and non-Diptera) recorded on
1a >
and case-bearer: The mines are large and obvious on the upper side
of the leaf, betraying the larva or larvae on the lower side.
Cases are broad and flat - being very hairy from the texture of
the leaf. Immediately after emergence the larva makes a full
depth, quickly widening, corridor, with frass as small grains in
a broad central band. Finally results in a blotch of 2 x 5 mm, from
which the young case is cut. The fully developed case is a hairy,
greyish brown to silver grey lobe case case of about 1 cm long,
with a clearly laterally compressed end; the mouth angle is about
90°. The case is difficult to separate from that of C. ochripennella. |
On Ballota, Lamium, Marrubium and Stachys, but not yet on Phlomis, in Britain and Ballota,
Lamiun, Marrubium, Phlomis and Stachys elsewhere. Widespread
in England in Britain. Widespread in continental Europe.
lineolea (Haworth, 1828) [Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae]. |
1b > Leaf-miner: An
initially linear mine, which at second instar develops into a large
whitish blotch with conspicuous black frass. The early linear mine
is frequently entirely enveloped by the blotch but is detectable
by the alternate irregular strips of frass. Pupation external (Spencer,
1976: 158).
first part of the mine consists of a long, slender upper-surface
corridor. After the first moult this changes into a large primary
blotch without feeding lines. Frass in the corridor in short, somewhat
angular thread fragments, towards the end even in grains. Frass
arranged less closely along the sides than in A.
lamii. Pupation outside the mine.
The frass is conspicuous in the mine and the mine is initially linear, then develops into a white blotch, often enveloping this early mine. |
On Ajuga, Ballota, Glechoma, Lamium, Marrubium and Stachys, but not yet on Phlomis, in
Britain and additional Lamiaceae elsewhere. In southern England
and continental Europe.
morionella (Zetterstedt, 1848) [Diptera: Agromyzidae]. |