Leaf-miner: The
larva mines from the grass tip downwards and the mine occupies half
or the whole of the leaf blade width. A whitish blotch is formed
with characteristic narrow streaks of frass (British
depth blotch, slightly inflated, descending from the leaf tip, occupying
half or the entire width of the blade. The larva may move and make
a new mine elsewhere. In the latter case the mines are fairly short;
otherwise an entire blade may be mined out. Frass in a some narrow
greyish brown streaks. Pupation outside the mine (Bladmineerders van Europa).
Larva: The larvae of moths have a head capsule and chewing mouthparts with opposable mandibles (see video of a gracillarid larva feeding), six thoracic legs and abdominal legs (see examples).
The larva is illustrated in British
leafminers, UKMoths
and ? Bladmineerders van Europa.
Pupa: The pupae of moths have visible head appendages, wings and legs which lie in sheaths (see examples).
The pupa is illustrated in UKMoths.
The adult is illustrated in UKMoths.
The species is included in mothdissection.co.uk.
Hosts in Great Britain and Ireland:
of year - larvae: September - May (British
of year - adults: The adults fly in a single generation during
June and July (UKMoths).
in Great Britain and Ireland: A common miner of grasslands
throughout the UK (British
leafminers; UKMoths)
including Anglesey, Banffshire, Bedfordshire, Breconshire, Caernarvonshire, Cambridgeshire,
Carmarthenshire, Denbighshire, Derbyshire, Dorset, Dumfriesshire, Dunbartonshire, Durham, East Cornwall, East Kent, East Norfolk, East Ross, East Suffolk, Easterness, Elgin, Fife, Flintshire, Glamorgan,
Haddington, Hertfordshire, Huntingdonshire, Isel of Wight, Kincardineshire, Kirkudbrightshire, Leicestershire, Linlithgow, Merionethshire, Mid-west Yorkshire, Middlesex, North Aberdeenshire, North Ebudes, North Hampshire, North Northumberland, North Somerset, Outer Hebrides, Pembrokeshire, Shropshire, South Aberdeenshire,
South Hampshire, South Lancashire, South Northumberland, South Wiltshire,
South-east Yorkshire, South-west Yorkshire, Stafford, Stirlingshire, Warwickshire, West Cornwall, West Gloucestershire, West Kent, West Lancashire,
West Norfolk, West Suffolk, Westmorland and Worcestershire (NBN
See also British
leafminers distribution map.
recorded in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (Fauna Europaea and National Biodiversity Data Centre Map).
elsewhere: Widespread in continental Europe including Austria,
Belgium, Czech Republic, Danish mainland, Estonia, Finland, French
mainland, Italian mainland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norwegian
mainland, Poland, Romania, Russia - Central, East, North and Northwest,
Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland and The Netherlands (Fauna Europaea).
NBN Atlas links to known host species:
canina, Alopecurus
pratensis, Arrhenatherum
elatius, Avenula
pubescens, Brachypodium
sylvaticum, Calamagrostis
epigejos, Dactylis
glomerata, Deschampsia
cespitosa, Elymus
repens, Festuca
rubra, Holcus
lanatus, Holcus
mollis, Koeleria
macrantha, Luzula
pilosa, Milium
effusum, Phalaris
arundinacea, Poa
pratensis, Poa
trivialis |
British and Irish Parasitoids in Britain and elsewhere: